My easiest piece of workout equipment

Guest post written by Susan Rhoades

I’ve had several gym memberships over the years, but since I had kids I haven’t really been able to take advantage of them. I’m just always either at work or running around and taking them to school or sports practices. It really ties up my time, so I just try and come up with creative ways to get a good workout at home instead.

I have an elliptical and that’s mainly what I use when I work out. But I’ve grown tired of just doing that lately so I decided to look up some ways I could switch up my workout easily with my Then I got the idea to start jumping rope every now and then.

Now, I don’t think that I will jump rope for 30 straight minutes every day, but I definitely want to change it up some and jump rope a little bit every now and then. I just like the way that incorporating new stuff into you workout reminds you about all those muscles you’ve forgotten over the years and give you that good sore feeling when you wake up in the morning.

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