Why sedation dentistry or sleep dentistry is a wise option

Article written by Elite Dental Group

Dental procedures can cause some people to feel nervous and scared, while those with severe dental anxiety may not be able to go through a dental procedure. Sleep dentistry has helped many anxious patients relax during dental procedures.

There are different levels of sedation dentistry and these are selected according to the patient’s needs and the dental procedure. Minimal levels of sedation are used to relax a patient while deep sedation will make a patient unconscious.

The method used by dentists will differ with the level of sedation and the type of procedure. The most common method is nitrous oxide gas (laughing gas) which provides minimal sedation as it needs to be breathed in every 10 mins. Oral sedation, on the other hand, involves swallowing a pill in comparison to the age and weight of a patient.

If a patient requests complete unconsciousness during a procedure, the dentist will administer IV sedation. This form of sedation requires a sedation specialist or a dentist who is experienced in IV sedation. If a patient is completely unconscious, the patient’s vitals have to be monitored throughout the procedure.

Dental sedation offers many benefits:

Anxiety control: Patients with dental anxiety will stress about their treatment for weeks before the procedure. Sedation allows patients to relax while the dentist completes a procedure, without the dentist needing to reassure the patient at every stage.

Multiple procedures – Patients with many procedures may find sitting in a dentist’s chair for hours difficult.

Faster dental procedures – When patients are awake, they may need constant breaks during a procedure due to fatigue or sheer restlessness. When a patient is sedated, a dentist can complete the procedure fast with less resistance from the patient.

Dr. Andre Eliasian is one of the leading dentists in cosmetic dentistry in Glendale CA. His clinic offers several services using modern dentistry procedures with sedation on request. If you are looking for wisdom tooth extraction in Glendale or oral surgery in Glendale CA call for an appointment.