Take Care of Your Skin, Take Care of Your Health

Article written by Elite Sites, Website reviews

It’s no secret today that it’s important to put healthy fuel inside our bodies.  As we learn more about our nation’s food supply, most of us have realized that we have to watch what we put into our bodies.  Health food stores have become the popular places to shop and nearly everyone buys organic today.   Unfortunately, many don’t realize that everything we put on our bodies is equally important to what we consume.  A wrinkle cream that’s full of toxic ingredients can affect our health just as much as a low quality hamburger can.

It’s important to only use natural beauty products in addition to eating healthfully.  The more natural products and foods we utilize, the easier it will be to preserve our health and wellness.  Luckily, it’s not that difficult to find these types of products today.  It’s easy to find and even make nearly every beauty product, including shampoo, face wash, and makeup.

Many people don’t realize that the skin is very sensitive and absorptive.  The skin is the largest organ in the human body and it’s easily absorbs whatever is rubbed on it.  Once the skin absorbs something, it is automatically transported to the vital organs.  Therefore, when dangerous chemicals are rubbed into the skin day after day, this can lead to health problems.

Here are a few reasons why you should consider buying all-natural beauty products:

1) Beauty products aren’t regulated by the FDA.  Unlike food products, the FDA does not create strict standards and evaluations for beauty products.  Therefore, you could be legally using toxic products on your skin and slowly denigrating your health and well-being.

2) Natural products aren’t necessarily pricier.  While organic food can be extremely expensive compared to commercial, beauty products don’t always follow in suit.  Believe it or not, there are many reasonably priced brands and products for sale today.  You can easily find an affordable anti-wrinkle cream.  In fact, it’s even possible to make your own products with some easy-to-follow DIY recipes that you can find online.

3) Prevent disease and maintain health. The research is inconclusive at this time, however, some studies have shown the effects of chemicals on the skin and the results aren’t good.  Some studies have shown that toxic chemicals on the skin can create vulnerability to cancer, allergies and auto-immune issues.


Guest post is provided by www.madhippie.com.  Mad Hippie is a leading distributor of natural beauty products, including cleanser for dry skin.  Check out their website to learn more about their products.