Book Review: Create Abundance – The Teachings of Zhang Xinyue

Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue examines several universally significant subjects such as why human beings suffer. The book helps us understand the difference between negative and positive energy. With negative energy, things can be damaged or destroyed. But with positive energy, things can be created. This is a complex topic that also involves how important it is for humans to live at the highest frequency.

How can we enhance our frequency? Is this even possible? As we explore this topic it’s important to understand what this really means. Those who lack understanding or enjoy destroying things live at a lower frequency. Those who are the most creative such as Albert Einstein and Vincent van Gogh live at higher frequencies. They are in tune with all the creative forces of the universe.

In Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue, the author explains how some of us are born into better circumstances than others. Though we cannot understand it fully, we can all see that suffering does take place all over our planet. If there is a great creator who made everything, then why does he allow suffering? Though it can be difficult to understand these concepts, it is nonetheless important for us to accept that suffering is part of our world and existence.

The author of this book believes that we can reach our highest possible frequency by creating positive energy. When we are kind and thoughtful, helping those less fortunate, we increase our frequency because we are essentially making the world a better place to live. As this occurs, we all benefit. Those who are more prone to do kind acts for others can increase their frequency and emit more positive energy.