Things to know before getting a cat

Article Submitted by Life as a Pet Blog

Whether you’ve always wanted a cat or you’ve recently fallen in love with these wonderful animals and would love to become an owner, there are a number of things to consider before you decide to rush out and pick up the most adorable kitten you can find. Choosing a cat (or any pet, for that matter) should always involve plenty of thought and research. A pet chosen on impulse will quite often result in a bad experience for you and a worse one for an innocent animal.

One of the biggest factors when taking on a pet is time. Do you have time each day to spend with a cat? Contrary to popular belief, cats aren’t solitary, aloof creatures. They are social animals and will be very unhappy if left alone all the time. It is recommended that you be able to spend at least fifteen minutes each day playing with your cat. Not only will you have a happier pet, you will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of being a pet owner. After all, what’s the point of having a cat if you’re never around to enjoy their company? Of course, you’ll also need time to perform cat care chores such as cleaning the litter box regularly.

The other important factor to consider is money. Can you afford to pay all of the expenses of caring for a cat? This includes high-quality cat food, a litter box and litter, spaying or neutering, shots, an annual vet visit, and emergency vet care if needed.